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DAIHAN® Digital Precise Shaking Water Bath “SB”, Reciprocating Motion, 18·30·45 Lit<br>With Universal Spring Rack, Digital Fuzzy Control, up to 2 lit flask, 20~250 rpm, up to 100℃, ±0.1℃, with Certi. & Traceability<br>정밀 진탕 항온수조, 왕복 진탕 운동, 디지털 피드백 제어, 고성능 DAIHAN® Digital Precise Shaking Water Bath “SB”, Reciprocating Motion, 18·30·45 Lit<br>With Universal Spring Rack, Digital Fuzzy Control, up to 2 lit flask, 20~250 rpm, up to 100℃, ±0.1℃, with Certi. & Traceability<br>정밀 진탕 항온수조, 왕복 진탕 운동, 디지털 피드백 제어, 고성능 DAIHAN® Digital Precise Shaking Water Bath “SB”, Reciprocating Motion, 18·30·45 Lit<br>With Universal Spring Rack, Digital Fuzzy Control, up to 2 lit flask, 20~250 rpm, up to 100℃, ±0.1℃, with Certi. & Traceability<br>정밀 진탕 항온수조, 왕복 진탕 운동, 디지털 피드백 제어, 고성능